Richard Dawkins: The Dangers of CRISPR, Designer Babies, and Artificial Genetic Mutation

Announcement of CRISPR technology, which allows precise editing of the human genome, has been heralded as the future of individualized medicine, and a decried as a slippery slope to engineering individual human qualities. Of course, humans already know how to manipulate animal genomes through selective breeding, but there has been no appetite to try on humans what is the norm for dogs. That’s a good thing, says Dawkins. The results could well be dangerous. Does technology as a whole represent a threat to human welfare if it continues to evolve at its current rate? Not so fast, warns Dawkins. Comparing biological evolution to technological progress is an analogy at best. His newest book is .
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– Gene Editing
– Genetics News
Genetics Books
The Future of Medicine

Richard Dawkins: The Dangers of CRISPR, Designer Babies, and Artificial Genetic Mutation | Gene Editing, Genetics News, The Future of Medicine

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