Efficiency And High Protection With Omni-Guard Airbag Suit
All the high-altitude workers are constantly risking their lives performing their work. Due to Omni-Guard Airbag Suit, designed to cushion the landing, they will have really high chances to survive falling accidents. This airbag suit detects automatically, that the falling acceleration rate is equal to gravitational acceleration and releases compressed carbon dioxide from internal canisters. The CO2 gas flows through four channels that spread to the back, arms, and thighs, inflating all of the suitâs airbags within a second before the worker lands on the ground. The right positioning of the airbags, made of polyurethane coated nylon fabric, fully protects the wearerâs neck, torso, pelvis and limbs. Together with the helmet, the Omni-Guard suit minimizes the chances of severe fractures, paralysis or even death. Due to the use of lightweight materials and good ventilation Omni-Guard airbag suit is very comfortable and does not hamper the wearerâs work efficiency.