Design Your Own Running Experience On The Voyager Treadmill
If youâre sick and tired of outdated monotonous treadmills, youâll soon be able to buy the Voyager, an innovative treadmill, which promises a highly immersive running experience. The concept designed by Il-Seop Yoon is meant for those who truly love running. It boasts touchscreen technology, voice control and a motion-controlled remote. The Voyager features three basic modes: travel, sports and game. In travel mode, users can choose any roadway or path they wish and measure their progress via getting a full set of metrics. Sports mode enables a social running experience: friends with their own Voyager can appear ahead or behind you upon the same track due to the cameras that create real-time images. In case you choose a game mode, youâll be able to take part in a runner-type game, like Temple Run. All you need to do is to create your avatar, jump into the treadmill and design your own running experience.