CamouflageCursor System Prevents Identity Thefts (+VIDEO)

future, new technologies, mouse clone dummy system, CamouflageCursor, tech news, future technology, security technology, futuristic
The number of identity thefts has grown radically over the last years, that’s why designers are now devising new secure methods for people to log into their accounts. One of such concepts is the mouse clone dummy system, called CamouflageCursor, based on a crowd confusing concept. The trick is that instead of trying various approaches to conceal the code entered, the mechanism clones the cursor in order to confuse the bystander and thus prevent a password theft. It’s almost impossible for someone peeping at your screen to know what code your cursor is entering with 40 or more mouse clone cursors moving around on the screen at the same time. Being confusing enough for non-techies, the system might be nuts for more experienced users with seasoned eye. The second prototype, the CursorCamouflage system is more elaborate, cause it uses a dial system and makes it harder to distinguish between the real cursor and the mouse clones, as far as we’re not used to interfaces like this. It is mainly designed for banking account logins, but it could easily be converted into computer login screens or even online logins.
future, new technologies, mouse clone dummy system, CamouflageCursor, tech news, future technology, security technology, futuristic

future, new technologies, mouse clone dummy system, CamouflageCursor, tech news, future technology, security technology, futuristic

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